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Don’t Worry If People Don’t Remember Who You Were

I often worry about people in different phases of my life not knowing about my past self and thus losing my past self as I grow older.

Soon the people you knew back then fade away and with them, their memories of you.

The thing that helps me realize that I don’t need to worry is that I carry every version of myself to the next just like you carry every version of you. We grow and we learn and we change, but our past selves get us there.

Sure my work friends won’t know college me, but my college friends didn’t know grade school me either. Yet they still learned who I was through time. My friends from now on will have the same process. They won’t know college me but they will learn about college me through who I am when I meet them and who I become as our friendship grows.

Sure, the lifelong friends are great, but sometimes lifelong friends aren’t only the ones who grew up with you in the sense of time, but instead the friends who grew with you over any phase of time.

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